2021 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out: Canada Slashing the Number of New Permanent Residents, Tens of Thousands of Temporary Residents in Canada Will Have to Leave

by Ronalee Carey Law

October 2024

The 2025-2027 Immigration Levels Plan has been announced. And it was a bombshell.

The Immigration Levels Plan must be reported to Parliament by November 1st of each year. In it, the government sets out its target admissions for each immigration category. To assist with long-term planning, levels are set for three years, but each year, the levels can be adjusted despite what was set for years 2 and 3 previously. So, the numbers for 2025 and 2026, as set out in the 2024-2026 plan, were not set in stone.

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Fears of Immigration Policy Change After Elections

by Ronalee Carey Law

September 2024


Each time Canada or the USA heads into a federal/presidential election period, the number of inquiries I get increases. When an American presidential election is coming up, I get calls mostly from Democratic supporters hoping to move to Canada should a Republican president be nominated. For Canadian elections, the calls are from temporary residents hoping to apply for permanent residence, worried that a change in government will result in less favourable immigration policies. 

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Around the World, Without Leaving Canada

by Ronalee Carey Law

July 2024

I am not well-travelled, which might seem surprising for an immigration lawyer. I spent a month in Russia with a group from McMaster University, where I was an undergraduate student. We had lectures in the morning and then toured the city in the afternoons with students from the University of Moscow. It was the longest time I’ve ever spent outside Canada and the furthest I’ve ever gone from home. Outside of trips to the USA, I’ve only otherwise been to countries in the Caribbean.

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