2021 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

New Measures to Tackle Backlogs Will There be Relief To Those Waiting?

by Ronalee Carey Law

August 2022

Last week, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced plans to hire 1,250 new employees to help address the backlogs that continue to plague the department. If you’d like to apply, here is the link. Of course, you must be legally entitled to work in Canada, and the advertisement states, ‘Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.’

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British Columbia Will No Longer Hold Migrants In Provincial Jails: Will Other Provinces Do The Same?

by Ronalee Carey Law

July 2022

I formerly assisted a refugee claimant who arrived from an African country through a human smuggler. He made his refugee claim at the airport upon arrival in Canada, immediately admitting that the passport he carried was not his and that the photo of the passport holder had been replaced with his own. My client had no identity document in his own name; the smuggler told him only to carry the false documents he had been provided. He was fleeing for his life and had done what he was told.

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Super Visas Get Even More Super

by Ronalee Carey Law

June 2022

IRCC has announced changes to the super visa program. As of July 4th, super visa holders will be allowed to stay in Canada for up to five years and will be able to request an additional extension of a further two years. In addition, medical insurance may become cheaper as IRCC will designate non-Canadian companies from which insurance can be purchased.

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Early Adopters of IRCC’s New Permanent Residence Portal Ignored by IRCC as Applications go Unacknowledged

by Ronalee Carey Law

May 2022

When IRCC came out with their new Permanent Residence Portal, I jumped on the chance to submit applications electronically through a portal that allowed me to log in on the first try without having to resort to a different browser, refresh, log in with incognito mode, hit the backspace key a dozen times, or offer my first-born as a living sacrifice. Submitting applications online meant no lost documents, no courier fees, and saving trees. Given a chance to submit online, almost all my clients opted for the electronic option.

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