Newsletter Archive
How will your vote affect immigration law in Canada?
October 2015
On October 19, 2015, Canadian citizens residing in Canada have the right to vote in the federal election. Immigration and refugee law has become a major issue in the campaign. The number of refugee that Canada will accept, especially from Syria, is a story that has captivated journalists. The issue of whether the niqab can be worn during citizenship ceremonies has been another controversial subject. But that is not all. How many parents and grandparents we allow to be sponsored, and the length of time it takes to process family class applications is another hot topic. Finally, the issue of whether or not non-resident Canadian citizens can vote in the election has also been in the news.
Never before have immigration issues taken up so much of the election. This means how you vote will affect immigration law in Canada in the months and years to come.
Changes to Canada’s Immigration System Affecting Live-in Caregivers
September 2015
Recently I was invited to speak at the Migrant Workers’ Forum, hosted by the Migrant Ministry of Assumption Church in Ottawa. I had been asked to speak about changes to Canada’s immigration system affecting live-in caregivers. A copy of my PowerPoint presentation can be found here. The audience was primarily female, almost all of whom had come as live-in caregivers from Philippines.
Visas for the Visa-Exempt – Express Entry Mid-Year Review
August 2015
Two topics for this month’s newsletter:
Qualifying for Canadian Citizenship: Longer Wait Times Faced by Permanent Residents
July 2015
As of June 11, 2015, the final phase of Canadian government’s ambitious immigration reforms, implemented through the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act, presented a number of new challenges to permanent residents who had been waiting to qualify to become Canadian citizens.