Newsletter Archive
Refugee Lives and Political Whim: On Trump, Trudeau, and the refugees they seek to shut out
February 2017
Incredulously, I watched a video of a crowd of hundreds of protesters chanting, ‘Let them see their lawyers NOW!’ The video was taken at a US airport over this past weekend. Photographs taken in that same airport showed lawyers sitting in groups on the floor, hunched over their computers. They were drafting emergency court petitions in support of the individuals who were detained when their flights arrived – people who had been mid-air when Donald Trump’s Executive Order banned the entry into the US of individuals from seven predominately Muslim populated countries. I have never been as proud of my fellow immigration lawyers and human rights activists as I was this past weekend. And I have never felt more grateful for the rule of law, when those court petitions were successful.
Express Entry Missing out on Selecting Skilled Tradespersons
January 2017
My daughter just finished her first semester at the University of Ottawa. As a first year business student, she had no elective courses. Her best mark after her first semester? Philosophy. Her worst? Economics. It seems to me that it should be the other way around. But the problem is that although she’d probably do better in a social sciences or humanities program, she wants a job when she graduates. So she has chosen a program of study that she feels will lead to job opportunities.
2017 Parent-Grandparent Sponsorships to be by Lottery
The government has just announced changes to how it will accept parent and grandparent sponsorship applications for 2017. You can read their announcement here:
My Nominations for the 2016 Clawbies Awards
December 2016
I’m sure you’re wondering, what on earth is a Clawbie? Sounds a bit like a Pokémon Go character, doesn’t it?